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Project supported by

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We are proud and pleased that the AFAS Foundation is helping our foundation to make our dream come true: a healthy start for newborns in Indonesia! The AFAS logo immediately makes it clear why the AFAS Foundation is the perfect partner for our ideals: the AFAS logo contains four hearts in the shape of a cloverleaf. In other words, use your talents, opportunities, resources, expertise and the chances you did have to help those who - through whatever circumstances - did not have that luck and privilege. Contributing to this is not a favor, but a moral duty, to yourself, to society, and to your fellow man. To do better together than we are doing now. With great consequences. Because it helps a lot of people.

On February 15, 2023, the AFAS Foundation ( awarded a grant of 30,000 Euros to the Ineta Aryani Foundation! The grant has been awarded for 1 year and gives us the opportunity to start quickly to achieve our goals: a healthy start for the newborns in Indonesia. In the first year, in collaboration with Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya, the early diagnostic presymptomatic test developed by us will be applied to 100 pregnant women with a high risk of pre-eclampsia. If successful, we will be given the opportunity for follow-up grants. We will keep you informed of progress via this page.


Photo: Gerben Eversdijk, chairman of the AFAS Foundation (right) hands over the check for 30,000 euros to Cees Oudejans, chairman of the Ineta Aryani Foundation (left) after an inspiring and informative day in Leusden.

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